School Admissions and CRM Whitepaper

Admissions Practices | May 27, 2022
As the leading provider of streamlined admissions management solutions to over 700 of the world’s top international and independent schools, the OpenApply team recently conducted some research into the impact that CRM systems are having on student applications and...

Build a Loyal Alumni Community

Admissions Practices | May 27, 2022
While much of your attention will be focused on admissions, there’s another, even bigger, group of people equally deserving of your engagement: your alumni. In this post, we will look at the value of your alumni and the way they can drive donations and student...

CRM Enhancements

In recent years, an increasing number of marketing departments and forward-thinking decision makers in the admissions function have leveraged CRM (Customer Relationship Management) systems to drive conversions, while supporting every step of the applicant and family...

Admissions at New Schools

Admissions Practices | April 5, 2022
New schools face the common challenge of generating enquiries, facilitating easy and responsive communication with multi-lingual prospects, and maintaining a level of interest amongst prospective families while the school prepares to launch. A school in its infancy...

An Easier and More Efficient Re-enrolment Process

Admissions Practices | March 2, 2022
Re-enrolment can be a time and labour intensive process, particularly when dealing with a transient population at the tail end of a global pandemic. Human error, administrative delays, slow response rates and other admissions related issues are not uncommon for many...

Values and Ethos in Admissions

Admissions Practices | February 8, 2022
A school’s values and ethos are an important part of a parent’s experience when applying to a school. At any stage in a child’s education, it is key for a school to communicate what it is trying to inspire in its students and the ways in which this shapes who they...